Nutrition Garden  Backyard Poultry  Climate Change  Crab Cultivation  Fish Feed  Floating Garden  School Programme  Training  Small Farm Improvement  Models

<---- Multi purpose trees plantation for social forestry at Jogindrapur village river side, Sundarban ----->

Mangrove nursery pot filing by women
group members of Ramganga block

<----PRA/PVA programme is going on at different vilages of Patharpratima block, Sundarbans ----->

<-----       Nutrition garden adjacent to house      ----- >


Mangrove forest

1.Vermicompost and azola pit                        2. A Bio-gas pit                3. Cooking made easy with bio-gas oven       4. A nutrition garden plot

Covid19 relief distribution after Amphan cyclone at Ramganga...

The devastating cyclone 'Amphan' hit the project area (Patharpratima Ramganga and G plot). Thousands of trees were uprooted; houses, crops, animal's shelters, river embankments were destroyed and flooded huge area.

The devastating cyclone 'Bulbul' hit the project area. Trees were uprooted; houses, crops, animal's shelters were destroyed; fishes drowned. As after effect; water was polluted and domestic animals were sold due to lack of safe drinking water.

Nutrition garden at different project areas

Backyard Poultry Farming - An income generating programme

Climate change awareness activities programme

Crab cultivation - an income generating programme

Fish feed production - an income generating programme

Floating Garden and Floating Cage (Duck, Fish and Vegetable cultivation)- A unique model...

Various activities in schools...


Small Farm Improvement

Models for supporting sustainable agriculture: 1. Seed bank 2.Zero energy cold storage 3. Vermi-compost & Azolla pit 4. Rain-water harvesting

Unconventional sources of energy: Bio-gas plants. Solar Cooker

Cooking made easy with a bio-gas oven

Modified cooker

Mangrove plantation...

Bee Keeping and honey processing...